The Article in English

Diwaniya warns of infringement of the law  And confirms its efforts to reform

Tahseen Al Zergani / Diwaniy/ Iraq

Journalist Tahseen Al-ZerganiThe government of Diwaniya warned Sunday the citizens of the encroachment of the property, and institutions of the State and the violation of the law,also he called the coordination committees as supervisors on protests to obtain prior approvals for organizing the sit-in that aims the dissolution of the provincial council and any reforms must be consistent with a domestic reform document without overtaking on the Constitution and laws and regulations.

So the head of the Council of the province of Diwaniyah, Salman Jabir al-Jubouri, said “The Constitution guarantees to Iraqis the right of demonstrations and the right of the civil and peaceful sit-in, and that the demands of protesters last Friday to dissolve the provincial council immediately without finding an alternative with disregarding the will and readiness of the Commission to prepare for early elections, and the evacuation of the provinces and centers from the sources of legislation and implementation will lead to total anarchy, and constitute an irresponsible decision

Indeed, Salman al-Jubouri emphasizes that “the protesters have not yet made a formal request for a sit-in, and everyone is required to respect law, to maintain the sanctity of institutions and ministries “, calling “the coordination committees for events to secure approvals for the implementation of the sit in to be held in front of the government headquarters “.

Also Salman al Jubouri asked the demonstrators “to grant the federal government and the House of Representatives and the provinces the opportunity to correct the situation in accordance with the Constitution and the law through appropriate constitutional amendments.” also Salman added that “the provincial council announced last week a local reform plan in which the dissolution of provincial and representative councils and preparing for early elections are the primary demands.

The head of council stated that “the recommendation included reducing the number of member representatives in parliament and the provincial councils in accordance with domestic reform document without overtaking on the constitution and the laws and regulations” For his part, the governor of Diwaniyah Ammar Al Madani said that “the administration of the province received only two sheets of claims the fight corruption and dessolution of the provincial council, the limbering in the institutions of the State, and the appointments, and services. “Also the governor added ” no reference to the dismissal of the governor wasn’t included in the two sheets, and I have no objection to this idea.

Also the governor stressed that “to maintain communication between the government and protesters and its importance in the maturation of proposals for achieving aspiration and ambitions of citizens several measures have been taken include the transfer of all contract files and contract and Contracting in the commission of integrity, condemn any person involved in corruption and the manipulation of fate and fortune of the people “. He also noted that a decision to restructure the management sector and under which trade unions and competent organization become partners the provincial government in decision making in this area. Al Madani also called on members the House of representatives “for not exploiting their political positions to abuse of power and even ordered all ministries, managers of non-application of those decisions.

It should be noted that one of the members of the provincial council received a menacing letter by death coinciding with an application he has signed with eight other members, including the dismissal of the head of the provincial council because of bad management, the governor of Diwaniyah confirmed that the decision to withdraw the mechanisms of civil servants was not a threat or targeted personally, but included in the packet of internal reforms.

Diwaniya (180 km south of Baghdad) has witnessed the biggest demonstration in its history in which more than twelve thousand demonstrators have participated , to demand the dissolution of the parlmement and the provincal councils and amending the constitution, the claim of the implementation of the presidential system instead of the parliamentary system, and conduct real reforms and hold accountable all those who connived in the waste of public money without improving the level of services the country.

L’Article en Français

Diwaniya avertit de la violation de la loi et

                 confirme ses efforts de réforme

Le gouvernement de Diwaniya a averti dimanche les citoyens de l’empiétement de la propriété et les institutions de l’Etat et de la violation de la loi , a appelé les comités de coordination comme superviseurs sur des protestations à l’obtention des approbation préalable à l’organisation du sit-in qui a pour but la dissolution du conseil provincial ,et la réforme doit a être conforme au document de réforme interne sans se dépasser sur la Constitution et les lois et règlements .

Ainsi le chef du Conseil de la province de Diwaniya, Jabir Salman al-Jubouri,dit “La Constitution garantit aux Irakiens le droit de manifestations et le sit-in civil et pacifique, et que les revendications des manifestants le vendredi dernier de dissoudre le conseil provincial immédiatement, sans présenter un alternative et sans tenir compte la volonté et la promptitude de la Commission pour préparer des élections anticipées , et l’évacuation des provinces et des centres des sources de législation et de mise en oeuvre aboutira à une anarchie totale, et constitue une décision irresponsable .

En effet, Salman al-Jubouri souligne que «les manifestants jusqu’à présent n’ont pas présenté une demande officielle pour un Sit-in, et tout le monde est tenu de se soumettre à la loi de maintenir la sainteté des institutions et des ministères”, appelant les “comités de coordination pour les manifestations à Diwaniya à obtenir les approbations pour la mise en œuvre du sit-in qui se tiendra devant le siège du gouvernement le lundi “.

Aussi Salman al Jubouri a appelé al-Jubouri, les manifestants “d’accorder le gouvernement fédéral et la Chambre des représentants et les provinces la possibilité de corriger la situation en conformité avec la Constitution et la loi par les amendements constitutionnels appropriés,”. et que “le conseil provincial a annoncé depuis la semaine dernière un plan de réforme globale locale dont la dissolution des conseils des provinces et des représentants et la convocation à des élections anticipées après la mise à disposition des fonds à la Commission.

Le président du conseil a déclaré que “la recommandation inclut la réduction le nombre des membres des représentants au sein du parlement et dans les conseils provinciaux conformément au document de la réforme domestique sans dépassement sur la Constitution et les lois et règlements “.

De son côté, le gouverneur de Diwaniya Ammar Al Madani a mentionné que” l’ administration de la province n’a reçu que deux feuilles de revendications axées sur la lutte cotre la corruption et la dissolution du conseil provincial, l’d’assouplissement dans les institutions de l’Etat, et des les services de fichiers des nominations”. Aussi le gouverneur a ajouté”aune référence à la révocation du gouverneur de ses fonctions n’a été faite, et je n’a pas d’objection sur cette ‘idée.

Aussi le gouverneur souligne que” en vue de maintenir la communication entre le gouvernement et les manifestants et son importance dans la maturation des propositions pour réalisation des aspirations et les ambitions des citoyens plusieurs mesures ont été prises y compris le renvoi de tous les dossiers contractuels et contractant à la commission de l’intégrité, condamner toute personne impliqué dans la corruption et la manipulation du destin et de la fortune du peuple”. Il signale également qu’une décision de restructuration du secteur d’aménagement et en vertu de laquelle les syndicats et les organisation compétentes deviennent partenaires avec le gouvernement provincial dans la prise de décision dans ce domaine . Aussi Al Madani a appelé les membres de la chambre des représentants” de ne pas exploiter leurs positions politiques pour abuser des pouvoirs et a ordonné de même tous les ministères, les gestionnaires de ne pas exploiter leurs positions politiques pour abuser des pouvoirs et a ordonné   tous les ministères, les gestionnaires de la non application de ces décisions”.

Il convient de noter que l’un des membres du conseil provincial a reçu une lettre menaçante de mort coincidant avec une demande signée avec huit autres membres comprenant le licenciement du chef du conseil provincial à cause de la mal gestion, le gouverneur de Diwaniya quant à lui , a confirmé que la décision de retirer les mécanismes des fonctionnaires n’était pas une menace ou ciblé personnellement, mais inclus dans le paquet de réformes internes.

Reste à signaler que Diwaniya le vendredi dernier Diwaniya a vu la plus grande manifestation de son histoire dans laquelle plus de douze mille manifestants ont participé, pour exiger la dissolution de la parlement et les conseils provinciaux et modifiant la constitution, la revendication de la mise en œuvre du système présidentiel au lieu du système parlementaire en vigueur, et de mener de véritables réformes sans oublier de tenir pour responsables tous ceux qui de connivence dans le gaspillage de l’argent public sans pour autant améliorer le niveau des services du pays.The government of Diwaniya warned Sunday the citizens of the encroachment of the property, and institutions of the State and the violation of the law,also he called the coordination committees as supervisors on protests to obtain prior approvals for organizing the sit-in that aims the dissolution of the provincial council and any reforms must be consistent with a domestic reform document without overtaking on the Constitution and laws and regulations.

So the head of the Council of the province of Diwaniyah, Salman Jabir al-Jubouri, said “The Constitution guarantees to Iraqis the right of demonstrations and the right of the civil and peaceful sit-in, and that the demands of protesters last Friday to dissolve the provincial council immediately without finding an alternative with disregarding the will and readiness of the Commission to prepare for early elections, and the evacuation of the provinces and centers from the sources of legislation and implementation will lead to total anarchy, and constitute an irresponsible decision

Indeed, Salman al-Jubouri emphasizes that “the protesters have not yet made a formal request for a sit-in, and everyone is required to respect law, to maintain the sanctity of institutions and ministries “, calling “the coordination committees for events to secure approvals for the implementation of the sit in to be held in front of the government headquarters “.

Also Salman al Jubouri asked the demonstrators “to grant the federal government and the House of Representatives and the provinces the opportunity to correct the situation in accordance with the Constitution and the law through appropriate constitutional amendments.” also Salman added that “the provincial council announced last week a local reform plan in which the dissolution of provincial and representative councils and preparing for early elections are the primary demands.

The head of council stated that “the recommendation included reducing the number of member representatives in parliament and the provincial councils in accordance with domestic reform document without overtaking on the constitution and the laws and regulations” For his part, the governor of Diwaniyah Ammar Al Madani said that “the administration of the province received only two sheets of claims the fight corruption and dessolution of the provincial council, the limbering in the institutions of the State, and the appointments, and services. “Also the governor added ” no reference to the dismissal of the governor wasn’t included in the two sheets, and I have no objection to this idea.

Also the governor stressed that “to maintain communication between the government and protesters and its importance in the maturation of proposals for achieving aspiration and ambitions of citizens several measures have been taken include the transfer of all contract files and contract and Contracting in the commission of integrity, condemn any person involved in corruption and the manipulation of fate and fortune of the people “. He also noted that a decision to restructure the management sector and under which trade unions and competent organization become partners the provincial government in decision making in this area. Al Madani also called on members the House of representatives “for not exploiting their political positions to abuse of power and even ordered all ministries, managers of non-application of those decisions.

It should be noted that one of the members of the provincial council received a menacing letter by death coinciding with an application he has signed with eight other members, including the dismissal of the head of the provincial council because of bad management, the governor of Diwaniyah confirmed that the decision to withdraw the mechanisms of civil servants was not a threat or targeted personally, but included in the packet of internal reforms.

Diwaniya (180 km south of Baghdad) has witnessed the biggest demonstration in its history in which more than twelve thousand demonstrators have participated , to demand the dissolution of the parlmement and the provincal councils and amending the constitution, the claim of the implementation of the presidential system instead of the parliamentary system, and conduct real reforms and hold accountable all those who connived in the waste of public money without improving the level of services the country.

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